
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Are you eating for life or death?

Everything you purchase, whether it is to eat, drink, or put on your skin, is a choice you make which either supports life or supports death. What are you buying next? Are you buying aspartame, bleached foods and fluoridated water? Are you buying medicine that was made in a lab that makes you sicker, or are you buying organic food, nature's food, and herbs and natural remedies? Do you know about Superfoods, or are you not even aware of that choice? It's time to double think every choice, to plan ahead and make informed, educated choices. Are you buying organic seeds? Are you growing your food in organic soil? Are you watering that soil with non-fluoridated, non-chlorinated, non-medicated water? In fact, are you buying spring water to drink, not bottled tap water?

Are you buying synthetic gum, formaldehyde candy, and insecticide corn sugar, or are you buying healthy food that fuels life, that fuels sustainable life? Are you sustaining planet Earth? Ask yourself right now, because YOU make the decisions, not the TV or the radio, not the ads in the magazines, or the stores or the politicians. You make the decisions, every moment. Every thing you buy either supports pollution or supports the environment. You choose. You make the choice. Use your brain and forethought to plan, to research, to live organic.


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